Saturday, November 19, 2011

Knowing About Orthodoxy

At this point the next logical question would be, how would I know about Orthodoxy? At this day and age one can have a number of resources without leaving your home. It is a blessing for us that we now have the internet, in addition to traditional media, to get information from. Of course, the best way is still to go to an Orthodox church and talk with clergy there. But if that is not possible, as for instance here in the Philippines Orthodoxy is still relatively in its infancy, then one can always look it up through the internet.

Top resource would of course be through Google search, as well as Wikipedia. I would also suggest OrthodoxWiki. We are fortunate now that on YouTube there are a number of videos which can help one know the basics of about the Orthodox Church.

What is sad is that many in the Philippines do not know about the Orthodox Church, or even about Eastern Christianity in general. I am not sure why the Catholic Church here has not made it a point to let people know about their Eastern counterparts, the Eastern Catholics as well as the Eastern Orthodox and even the Oriental Orthodox, and the ancient Churches of the East that have existed since the time of the Apostles. When one realizes these treasures, it is like finding something that is both new and at the same time ancient.

I will be more specific on my next post about the resources I have brought up. I hope that these will help in knowing more about the Orthodox Church.

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