What is the true Church? Often we hear people say the church he belongs to is the true church. But what is the use of saying such things when there is no compassion in that church? When, instead of its pastor welcoming someone as a fellow brethren, turns his brother away? Saying such and such is the true Church means nothing without love for fellowman. As St. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13: If I have faith as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. Without love a church is empty--it is just a museum. We Orthodox say we are the true Church; we must then live the Gospel so people will see that truth in the Church. Let us be compassionate as Christ intended His Church to be. Then we can draw people in, as they see a Church which has love, compassion and mercy in it.
You should reignite this blog, I enjoyed reading some of your posts.